Shell Sorter™ with tumbling media
Special package deal: We’ve taken a large flat rate box and taped every seam. We put a Shell Sorter™ inside, and filled in all around it with media. According to the scale there is the equivalent of just over 3 gallon bags of media in there! (when the media is bagged we can only fit one bag in a flat rate box with a Shell Sorter™) When you receive this package deal, just lift the Shell Sorter™ out, and the media will fall through. Remember, the Shell Sorter™ doubles as a media sifter! This package deal price includes Priority Mail Flat Rate shipping.
These options all include packing in a large flat rate box with free shipping.
Shell Sorter packed in walnut media pictured below. You can see the small size of the media. The small size does well cleaning the primer pocket and doesn't lodge in the flash hole.