Welcome to Shell Sorter! "Helping reloaders save time"
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Hey welcome to our new website!  We have used the previous version of our website for the last 8 years.  We are adding a lot of products to our website now and in the coming weeks and months, and decided that we needed a format that is easier and much faster to use.  Please be patient with me as I work out all of the kinks, I'm much better at building loads than I am building websites.  So while the website may not look professional, the same commitment to service, quality, and shipping speed is still in place.

I'm going to use most of the time spent behind the computer adding new products and making sure the website runs smoothly, there may not be many posts here so feel free to contact me at info@shellsorter.com if you have any questions, have problems with the site, or see something not working. 

Thanks, and happy shooting!

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